as partners experienced at playing together, And as I would be pitted against me alone. was to discover later. the exaggeratedly feminine tennis outfit I was to wear would further limit me in a most painful and humiliating manner.

While they watched with taunting attention and critical remarks, I had to strip off the two satin nightgowns which had teased me all night. Then I had to drag off the tiny tight elasticized pantie-brief which had been crushing my male equipemnt into docile impotence for so long. Wearing only the very snug waist-cinch and the rubber breasts glued onto my chest, I had to stand there in hairless nudity while they carefully inspected my body with eyes and hands, and planned the details of my newest masquerade.

First they clad the upper part of my It had cap body with a dainty white blouse. sleeves to cover my shoulders and the top of my upper arms, and it buttoned down the back. But the most emasculatingly feminine part was that it had several rows of filmy fluffy ruffles horizontally across my chest at the level of the foam rubber flasies. This emphasized and exaggerated that part of my transvestized form in an area which was already more than adequately prominent for any girl, and much too voluminous to suit my wishes.

Then, to my alarm and surprise, they put a small pillow-case over my head, effectively blinding me to what they would be doing Then I was ordered to put my hands on top of my head and keep them there, so that I could not interfere in any way with what was about to happen to me.


a noose of strong cord around the end of my male member, as they had done yesterday when I had worn the short-skirted cheer-leaders costume and been taken back to our highschool. But this time, instead of being dragged backward between my buttocks, the cord was drawn upward onto my hairless belly and securely fastened to the front of my strangling waistcinch. Immediately the strain was unconfortable, and I knew that playing active tennis while wearing this taut genital halter would be a most unpleasant experience.

Next I felt them pulling what felt like a pair of shorts up my legs after I had been made to step into them. These shorts felt extremely brief, almost like hot-pants', in that the legs gripped my thighs snugly right where my thighs joined my body. The garment was pulled up very tightly so that the firm crotch pressed much too powerfully between and against my imprisoned masculinity. And the waistband of the shorts seemed high, being broad enough to cover and conceal my flesh-colored waist-cinch. The material seemed firm and unyielding, like denim, where it clasped my hips and buttocks, outlining and accentuating my un-natural curves there.

Now the pillow-case was removed from over my head, and I had to put dainty white angora socks on my feet, followed by white sneakers which had gay colored pompoms as tassels on the ends of the laces. As I looked at myself now in the big mirror, I seemed a typical cute attractive girl clad in a costume appropriate for tennis. The tassels bounced and tossed with each step, adding to my girlish appearance, but I could see nothing on about the shorts, and

I wondered why it had been necessary to blindfold me while they were put on me. They